Tuesday, April 7, 2015

On A Stormy Sunday...

I am ready to go...or so I thought...or so I thought. The snow is coming down, the flakes ore thick, heavy and although they are coming down fast; they light up the night sky with a brilliant white light.
Not sure I can go anywhere as I wait...wait for possibility of two outcomes; one, I get a call postponing the trip...or two, my ride come and we brave the storm like any home-grown-storm-adapted New Englander would like any other day.

To my surprise there was an option three; ride show up suggesting to bunk overnight (on the couch) to make heading off the next morning that much more quicker. Errr, not what I was expecting since I intentionally did not buy groceries knowing I am going out of town so dinner option are more than limited to say the least. Ha ha Instead of cooking or shopping for dinner, we go to a local restaurant which on the way I find out is no easy task because many of local restaurants have either closed early or not open at all on Sunday; some due to the storm while it is just the schedule for others. As luck would have it, we do find one spot open for service, Piccola Italia Ristorante, in downtown Manchester. I think the price is high but I gotta admit...the food; "Wow!" They pictures are thousand words. Well, they are can also be thousand taste buds...because the food is far better tasting than the delightful photos you are about to see that honestly do not give enough credit in spite their beauty to just how great a dish taste.

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